TMS is a revolutionary treatment for depression. It is safe, fast, and effective.

How does TMS work?

Picture of brain regions which are under-active in people with depression.

The brain during depression

Decades of research have revealed that, for those diagnosed with depression, specific brain regions are under-active. These areas normally help the brain regulate emotions. Strengthening these areas back to normal levels can restore the brain’s delicate balance of activity and lead to a dramatic improvement in mood.


How TMS fights depression

A NextGen TMS™ device is placed against a patient’s forehead, directly next to a brain region known to be weakened during depression. TMS uses gentle magnetic pulses to strengthen that part of the brain. Each treatment takes 3 minutes. After many of these sessions, the weakened brain region will become stronger — just like consistent exercise makes muscles stronger. After approximately 50 sessions, the brain region will come back into balance.

Why choose Ampa TMS?




TMS has been used to treat hundreds of thousands of people and is known to be extremely safe. TMS has been FDA-cleared since 2008.




Most people see results from TMS in as little as 2 weeks — some in just a few days. Antidepressants often take 6-8 weeks to start working.




The majority of people with medication-resistant depression achieve remission with NextGen TMS™, whereas only 20% of people see that from additional medications.

Fewer side-effects

TMS has far fewer side effects compared to antidepressant medications. With more than 10,000 treatments performed in clinical trials, the most common side effect was mild-moderate scalp discomfort.

“I underestimated how long my depression would last, but with TMS, I was able to regain focus.”

— Oliva, 62, TMS patient

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